Fishing family Pesnica - Lenart

Fishing family

ADDRESS Ribiška pot 18, 2230 Lenart v Slovenskih goricah
PHONE +386 (0)2/72-06-743

The RD Pesnica-Lenart was founded in 1957. The fishermen of this district were among the first ones to join in ecological efforts and among the first ones to warn about the consequences of water pollution- and of the lake banks, too- in Radehova and Sveta Trojica. From the very beginning the fishermen also keep taking care of the fishing tourism developement and keep alive the tradition of competitive activities- the competitions here are among the most developed ones in Slovenia. The members of the RD Pesnica -Lenart are indispensable part of the state representative teams in float fishing. Let us just mention the most prominent and unforgettable performances and at the same time the top achievements in state and international competitions: the last one was in 2013 when the team of the RD Pesnica-Lenart came in second in world championship, representing Slovenia. In 2014 the RD Pesnica-Lenart has over 311 members again; more than 20 are juniors.


The creek Globovnica

Fishing family Pesnica - Lenart

  • Fishing options asp, bleak, blue catfish, catfish, common bream, common carp, common rudd, crucian carp, european chub, gibel carp, grass carp, perch, pike, roach, silver bream, tench, vimba bream, zander
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
  • Type of water running water
Jezero Pernica 1 - revir VII

Lake Pernica 1

Fishing family Pesnica - Lenart

  • Fishing options bleak, blue catfish, common bream, common carp, common rudd, crucian carp, european chub, gibel carp, grass carp, perch, pike, roach, silver bream, silver carp, tench, zander
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
  • Type of water standing water
Jezero Pernica 2 - revir VIII

Lake Pernica 2

Fishing family Pesnica - Lenart

  • Fishing options bleak, blue catfish, catfish, common bream, common carp, common rudd, crucian carp, european chub, gibel carp, grass carp, perch, pike, roach, silver bream, silver carp, tench, zander
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
  • Type of water standing water
Jezero Pristava (Šiker)

Lake Pristava


Fishing family Pesnica - Lenart

  • Fishing options asp, bleak, blue catfish, catfish, common bream, common carp, common rudd, crucian carp, european chub, gibel carp, grass carp, perch, pike, roach, silver bream, silver carp, tench, zander
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
  • Type of water standing water
Jezero Radehova

The lake Radehova

Fishing family Pesnica - Lenart

  • Fishing options asp, bleak, blue catfish, catfish, common bream, common carp, common rudd, crucian carp, european chub, gibel carp, grass carp, perch, pike, roach, silver bream, silver carp, tench, zander
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
  • Type of water standing water
Jezero Sv. Trojica

The lake Sveta Trojica

(the lake Gradiško jezero)

Fishing family Pesnica - Lenart

  • Fishing options asp, bleak, blue catfish, catfish, common bream, common carp, common rudd, crucian carp, european chub, gibel carp, grass carp, perch, pike, roach, silver bream, silver carp, tench, zander
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
  • Type of water standing water

The river Pesnica with tributaries

Fishing family Pesnica - Lenart

  • Fishing options barbel, bleak, blue catfish, brown trout, catfish, common bream, common carp, common nase, common rudd, crucian carp, danube roach, european chub, gibel carp, grass carp, perch, pike, roach, silver bream, silver carp, tench, zander
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
  • Type of water running water

The creek Velka

Fishing family Pesnica - Lenart

  • Fishing options asp, bleak, blue catfish, common bream, common carp, common rudd, crucian carp, european chub, gibel carp, grass carp, perch, roach, silver bream, tench, vimba bream
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing
  • Allowed baits baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
  • Type of water running water