Fishing family Laško

Fishing family

ADDRESS Trubarjeva 3, 3270 Laško
PHONE +386 (0)31 789 732

The RD Laško manages the river Savinja which is extremely rich in cyprinids, carps, predatory fish and salmonids - due to the fact that the Savinja's stream varies a lot. The richness of the fish life offers plenty of fun to fishermen.  We also manage the tributaries. The creek Gračnica is especially interesting because the counts of Celje had been known to fish for trouts there in their time. We even have a possibility for fishing on the pond Marof on weekends and holidays - larger groups of visitors can be assembled here. On previous agreement we also organize picnics and take care of  recreation.....Do come, we are looking forward to your visit.


The creek Gračnica

Fishing family Laško

  • Fishing options brown trout, european chub, grayling
  • Type of fishing fly fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial fly
  • Type of water running water
Ribniki Marof 3

The pond Marof

(near Mrzlo polje)

Fishing family Laško

  • Fishing options bleak, common bream, common carp, common rudd, european chub, gibel carp, grass carp, pike, roach, silver carp, tench, zander
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, artificial fly, baits of plant origin, boilies, bread, composting worm, corn, earthworm, pellets, pumpkin crumble, spoonbread, tager
  • Type of water standing water
Savinja 9

The river Savinja

(600m downstream from the bicycle bridge in Tremerje to the road bridge in Zidani most)

Fishing family Laško

  • Fishing options asp, barbel, bleak, brown trout, common bream, common carp, common nase, danube roach, european chub, gibel carp, grass carp, perch, pike, rainbow trout, roach, tench, vimba bream, zander
  • Type of fishing bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
  • Allowed baits artificial baits, artificial fly, baits of plant origin, bread, cheese, coarse fishing baits, composting worm, corn, fruit, water moss
  • Type of water running water