ADDRESS | Vilharjeva ulica 40/A, 5270 Ajdovščina |
PHONE | +386 (0)5 366-39-48 | | |
WORKING HOURS | Za info pokličite 040 855 598 |
Ribiška družina (RD) Ajdovščina operates in the area of local communities Ajdovščina and Vipava which measure 352 km2 and have 22 500 inhabitants ( 1,2 % of the slovenian population). The most important waters are the river Vipava, the river Hubelj and the pond Dobravska krnica. The upper part of the valley Vipavska dolina is entwined with many creeks which are then used as breeding streams by the family. The fishing environment of the RD Ajdovščina consists of accumulation area of the upper stream of the river Vipava and the river Hubelj. The waters of this district cover approximately 29 ha of the surface. The river Vipava -from its spring in the city of Vipava to the dam called Kasoveljski jez- is in its length of 12 km the main fishing water of the family. All the Vipava's tributaries - with the exception of the lower Hubelj - are meant for breeding of salmonids. The upper stream of the Vipava is salmonid in character, the lower is mixed. Besides marble trouts (fish of Natura 2000), brown trouts, hybrids and rainbow trouts the Vipava is home to considerable population of mediterranean grayling - it is increasing these last years due to putting in of fish and its own spawning. From the cyprinids we should mention European chub, italian barbel, brook barbel, ....... golden loach, common minnow, South European roach, bullhead and tench. In to the pond Dobravska krnica we put in carps regularly and we take care of his rich hunting grounds. The membership number varies from 80 to 130 throughout the years. Our working goals are firmly set. They are based on preservation of the indigenious fish species, participation in NATURA 2000, taking care of natural environment and recognition of the family and on keeping good and creative relations between members, between other fishing families and with ZRD Primorska.