!! Due to the low water level and extreme temperatures, handle the fish with care! If possible, postpone fishing (especially of salmonids) for a day or so to allow conditions to normalize.
Accomodation The family hotel Tripič
Location, contact and opening hour for The family hotel Tripič. Data for customized fishing offer The family hotel Tripič!
The family hotel Tripič ★★★
Price from €66.00 to €106.00
The family hotel Tripič - restaurant and pizza restaurant. The hotel is especially suited for its fishing guests. It also offers fishing tackle for rent and a special room for drying the waders and other equipment.
The restaurant serves à la carte dishes daily as well as great pizzas.
Distance from the nearest fishing ground 800 m
Distance from the nearest fishing gear shop 300 m
Accomodation availability The family hotel Tripič
Contact data The family hotel Tripič
Address Triglavska cesta 13, 4264 Bohinjska Bistrica
Special features (house rules or other interesting features/restrictions):Hotel schedule: from 7.30 to 22.00, the rest by arrangement. Air-conditioned hotel restaurant.
Possibility of fishingbrown trout, european chub, grayling, pike, rainbow trout
Type of fishingfly fishing
Allowed baitsartificial fly
Type of waterrunning water
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